Publish a Book and Increase Your Authority
Publishing a book catapults you to the upper strata of authority figures. It gives you more credibility. Authoring a book brings you recognition as an expert, a leader in your business, and a star in your field. Having a book published in your area of expertise opens doors to the media that would not normally be open to you. It puts you on top.
Although many people think they’ve got a book’s worth of things to say, few actually do. And, even fewer have the ability and the discipline to express their thoughts coherently and get them published. Writing and having your book published is an achievement. It testifies that you are an expert and puts you in an elite group because so few people actually complete all the steps to write and have their book published. Publishing a book demonstrates that you are special and can get thigs done.
A Book is a Powerful Marketing Tool
Authorship gets your name out to the public and reinforcer that you’re an expert. It can take you to the next level by making you a celebrity, and, in our celebrity-crazed world, people are more inclined to purchase a product or service associated with a celebrity.
Authors are respected and sought after. Giving potential customers and clients a copy of your book creates instant goodwill. Writing a personalized message will thaw the most glacial personalities and turn total strangers into grateful, loyal, long-standing devotees. They will treasure their signed volume and continue to support you and your endeavors.
When your book is published, your status as an expert becomes permanent; it can never be taken away. You’re listed in the Library of Congress. With any luck after you are published, the local media will look to interview you, you’ll get cool invitations, and attract a following at conferences and conventions.
Most authors don’t make money from selling their books, but their books help propel their careers. If your first is a success, even a moderate one, it will likely open doors for a follow-up. Subsequent books will reinforce your status and help further your career. And, you never know, there’s always a chance that one of your books will make the bestseller list, you’ll get booked on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and hit the jackpot!
Getting it Down
To test and see if you really hav a book in you, draft an outline:
Writing a book is an evolving process. Everything is subject to change. Few authors write straight through; there’s always editing, moving, adding, deleting, and rewriting text. Nevertheless, begin with a structure, even though it will change. Don’t wing it. Create a framework and follow it until you’re convinced that it needs to be changed. Then make whatever alterations feel right.
Sit at your computer or with your tape recorder and express your thoughts. Forget about grammar, spelling, or logic. Just capture information. Remember, this isn’t an English class. Just get the information down! Spill your guts. Put down everything that comes to mind, whether it makes sense or not. The idea is to get a flow, to build a rhythm and express yourself. Anything that isn’t right can always be fixed later.
When it comes to the introduction, is all about the writer — You. Most writers believe that it’s usually best to write the intro after the entire text is completed, they make notes of any ideas of thoughts that come to them as they write the book. Others like to start writing the introduction first, as it helps them to articulate the direction of the book.
When you complete the first draft or manuscript, read it in its entirety, and make notes as you read. Then revise the manuscript, editing each chapter in order, until you’re satisfied. Recruit a few others to read and comment on what you’ve composed. Recruit a few others to read and comment on it. Solicit readers, both in and out of your field, and insist that they be honest and severely critical. Thank them in your book acknowledgments.
Don’t fall in love with your language to the point you are not open to revision. And remember, the purpose of the book is not to establish you as a literary figure but to enhance your business status.
You can hire a publishing house or go for self-publishing here is a list of this vs. that:
Jill Lublin
Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Publicity, Networking, Kindness and Referrals. She is the author of 4 Best Selling books including Get Noticed…Get Referrals (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic. Her latest book, Profit of Kindness went #1 in four categories. Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 25 years experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches a virtual Publicity Crash Course, and consults and speaks all over the world. She has spoken on many stages with luminaries such as Tony Robbins. Jill also leads an intentional kindness community. Visit and