Convert Your Passion into Success
The secret to success is making your vocation your vacation — Mark Twain
Converting what you love into profit is not as difficult as you might think! when you work at what you love, you perform better and enjoy it more. When your passion shines through, you make connections naturally. Your passions make it easy for you to express yourself and influence others. When others share the same interests as you, they pay close attention and follow you.
When you are excited about what you do, you bounce out of bed each morning because you can’t wait to start. You dive right in and work, it makes time fly!
When we do what we do with passion we attract others like a magnet! People are attracted to those who have deep convictions and strong points of view. They want to learn from them and share their vision. Passionate people are full of light and life, they inspire and excite! Followers line up to support them; they become their apostles and spread the word. They do whatever is needed to help them succeed.
Passion is a Motivator, it helps you sail over hurdles and makes learning a breeze, it feeds your curiosity. It compels you to explore your interest and learn all about them. The more you learn, the more you want to know, and pretty soon you’re an expert — and becoming an expert didn’t feel like hard work. Other people are drawn to experts; they admire them, want to work with them, and want to have them on their side.
Passion unites, when teams are fueled by passion, a powerful group dynamic occurs. Then member’s excitement intensifies and turns into a mission. Each member becomes a crusader who will fight battles and move mountains to advance the cause. Passionate teams accomplish wonders because they believe that everything is possible and no problem is too great to overcome. They let nothing stand in their way.
How to Create the Passion that will become Your Success?
Start with your dreams, with things you think about constantly and would like to try. Use them for motivation. Find people with similar ardor and let your mutual passion be the connecting link. Communicate your enthusiasm to enlist supporters and gain referrals.
Some people are passionate by nature, they are enthusiastic and optimistic. New ideas and opportunities capture their imagination and excite them. Others are just the opposite. They react skeptically and negatively; these naysayers respond coolly and rarely become impassioned or deeply involved. They sit back and wait to be convinced.
Passion doesn’t always hit you with a seismic jolt. Although it can come on suddenly with a bang, it also can build gradually, build cumulatively, and be just as deep. As you work, learn, and become more involved, your enthusiasm can develop. When you master your interests and become acknowledged as an expert, it can take hold. If you stop to take stock, you suddenly may realize that you love what you do, understand how much you have achieved, and become aware of the benefits it provides.
Although some think passion is always instinctive and beyond their control, passion can also be learned and increased, here is how:
- Surround yourself with active people: They are curious and have a wide range of interests. They are usually open, adventurous, and eager to share. As you spend time with them, their love involvement will rub off on you. They will introduce you to exciting new areas and encourage you in your quests.
- Be with interesting people. Interesting people can introduce you to stimulating new pursuits that you probably would not have discovered on your own. These new directions can energize you and expand your life. They can help you become more positive and adventurous. Interesting people also take interest in and support your pursuits.
- Spend time with positive people. Positive people are supportive; they will encourage and help you move forward so that you can achieve your objectives. When problems arise, their support will help you move forward and keep you from becoming discouraged.
- Eliminate negative people from your life. Negative people cannot see the light, and so they will try to hold you back. Their doubts will get the best of them, and they will not provide the encouragement and help you need to succeed. Although is important to examine everything with a balanced view, constant negativity is demoralizing and eventually will bring you down.
- Enroll in programs. Attend courses and activities that push you past your boundaries and help you get unstuck. Do something different; break the mold. I’ve taken improvisation courses that taught me to respond spontaneously and be completely in the moment. Constantly push yourself to learn because those who constantly push themselves lead exciting lives.
When your life is in balance, you are more passionate and more excited about your life and work. However balance is not something that comes to you, you have to plan and work on it.
When people are passionate, they need to express themselves. Let them speak, and when they do, listen. The mere fact that you listen creates a shared experience that helps form bonds. When you listen, people become more revealing and more trusting and feel closer to you. Even if you don’t say a word, they will think that you’re an interesting person and will want to get closer to you.
Building Success
As you develop expertise, your passion can grow. When you succeed, you earn compliments, respect, and, acclaim, and that is extremely rewarding. It’s also addictive and makes you want more. The fact that others appreciate your accomplishments will encourage you to try harder to retain that standing and surpass your past successes.
When you realize how far you’ve come, how well you have mastered your interest, it fires you up. As an expert, you can charge more, earn greater respect, attract top customers and clients, and help people more. More people will want to refer their friends and associates to you because they know that you will make them look good. Answering questions, solving problems, and displaying your expertise stimulate you and make you feel great.
“The more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know”. It certainly has been true for me.
When people recognize your expertise, they can’t wait to hear what you have to say. You’re invited to speak, give presentations, and appear with the top authorities. You perform on a larger stage. To hold your audience and be at your best, you become more vocal, and dramatic. or colorful. You also work harder to attain more knowledge, and that expands your expertise.
Sustain your passion by self-motivation, learning new skills, and maintaining a balanced and positive life. Get support from others, a coach, or other experts that will help you stay focused and aligned with your purpose!
Jill Lublin — Short Bio
(Pronounced Loob-Lynn)
Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Publicity, Networking, Kindness and Referrals. She is the author of 4 Best Selling books including Get Noticed…Get Referrals (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic. Her latest book, Profit of Kindness went #1 in four categories. Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 25 years experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches a virtual Publicity Crash Course, and consults and speaks all over the world. She has spoken on many stages with luminaries such as Tony Robbins. Jill also leads an intentional kindness community. Visit and